orange mécanique
stanley kubrick, 1971
série de six affiches format jésus
I // the korova milk bar sold milkplus, milk plus vellocet or synthemesc or drencrom which is what we were drinking
II // viddy well, my little brother, viddy well
III // it had been a wonderful evening and what i
needed now to give it the perfect ending was a bit of the old ludwig van
IV // she grabs up a bust of beethoven and rushes at alex - he grabs the giant phallic sculpture
V // it is during this period we have found the subject will make his most rewarding associations between his catastrophic experience and environment and the violence he sees
VI // one moment of pain perhaps and then sleep – forever and ever and ever
décembre 2020
dont chacune correspond à un élément emblématique du film
le korova milk bar
la séance d'ultra-violence
la chambre d'alex
la dame aux chats
la méthode ludovico
après la prison